Drip Drop

A case of 'Springitis' has hit my house.  It is the last month before school gets out.  I've seen so many memes lately about the busy-ness of May.  I guess I had never really thought about it before, but it really is a chaotic ending to the start of summer.  As funny as that sounds.

I decided yesterday that I was going to walk the Prom this morning.  It is such a cool and calming place to be.  It is a pathway that runs along the ocean, nestled in between beautiful ocean front homes and the wild grasslands and paths that lead to the beach.  Each home has its own pathway.  A passage from normal existence to magnificent beauty.  I bet it would be like an adventure every time.  Who will you run into on your path?  What and who is waiting at the end when it opens up to the crashing waves?  People. Animals. Marine life. Shells. Driftwood.

It was cloudy today.  Cloudy and cool and I loved every bit of it.  I had some company for my walk.  There is something so wonderful about real talks and real life and real things that keep us awake and going.  I love listening to others dreams and ambitions.  To hear stories of how they became who they are right now.  And I know 'these people' who walked on the Prom together today will not be the same people 5 years from now.  Or a year from now.  Or maybe even tomorrow.  As we grow everyday, our adventure and who we are slowly changes without us even realizing it.  Even if it is just a percentage of a degree to get us to our final being and destination.


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