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Heartfelt and Homemade: Wine and Plant Perfection

I always seem to need gifts that I can give the same thing to multiple people.  Whether it be the neighbors, teachers, coaches, etc.  I want them to have the same thing not only because it is WAY easier for me to gift, but also it keeps it all on an even playing field.  No one is left to feel that their present wasn't as grand as the neighbor next door.  Not that I am assuming that happens.  But I am assuming that happens.  Lol. This gift idea I used a few years ago for all my neighbors.  It was a hit.  A consumable gift that may or may not last.  The year I did this I gave Christmas cactus's as the plant portion and low and of my gifts lasted a whole year and was still going strong! This fabulous go-to gift is a bottle of wine and a plant.  I know, sounds boring.  But dress it up in a double wine bottle holder and tea towel and there you go.  It is a pretty, simple and a gift that everyone on the block can enjoy. What you will need: A double wine holder.  Luckily

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